Wednesday and Thursday together

Sunday, 19 February 2012 20:53 Written by 

Ok .... So I'm in the Broadwater before nine in the morning and the whole crowd is playing..... Only apart from the accordion player they've all switched instruments!!!!  Glenda's finishing the hair over at the cabin.  I'll update you on the last couple of days and then send the link to the photos.   Think when I updated last we were in Chester. We had a little walk around Chester .... Which took until about ten and then took off for Peggy's Cove.  Stopped at he ONLY open antique store where there was a treasure trove of Pink Vista and G stalked up on soup bowls. Visited the Swiss Air memorial and then into Peggy's cove.  I think Glenda is struck by how small everything is....Peggy's Cove is tiny.  Also how close the towns are.....and then we drove to Cape Breton!  a very long drive indeed. Dinner with John in Baddeck at the yellow cello followed by great music in the living room at the Braodwater.....then we got thrown onto a bus...really to the Gaellic college for the after pub.  Everynight after the different concerts around the island all the performers converge at the college and play from eleven at night until three in the morning....there was group there the Cotters,.,,,,, amazing, will definitely be getting the cd. Not to be until two a.m so were were a bit slow to start Thursday.... Ok I'll give you the link now...G wants to get going so I'll let you know what we did yesterday a little later on today. Sent from my iPad

Tuesday's album
Read 1254 times

Yes its me Dale......and this is where I take the time each night when I travel, to reflect.  Which is a modern way of saying I'm just trying to remember what I did from one day to the next.  Things can get muddled on holiday and a doumented blog can save on future fights...... especially when I can change the date in the database at will.

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