Hello family,,, we're here!!!! Glenda and I are in bed now after a full day of travel. We picked up the car (ford focus) and booted up to Wolfville. Toured the Grand Pre and the Evangeline. We checked into our B&B which is very charming. The room is a bit chilly but we have a fire going. We're staying at the Inn at the Vinyard .... And we ate there too.
On the Plane! |
From the back door we were told to follow the lanterns which took us along the rows of vines and led to the winery where there is a wine store and restaurant. We started with lobster and scallop chowder and the line caught halibut on hodge podge (which is a local way to prepare seasonal vegetables). Finished off with Eton mess for dinner. Yum!!!!!!! Walking back to the inn the stars were spectacular.. Couldn't get Glen to go back out the the night sky app but we'll do that later. It's a bit cold tonight. Should be a very fine day tomorrow based upon the gorgeous sunset. I'm having a bit of trouble getting my photos uploaded using the 3G network... I'll keep trying and then update with a link so check back again. Night night.